
Sustainability Victoria: Love Food Hate Waste business kit

Art direction, Digital, eDM, Print

Sustainability Victoria created a campaign directed at the hospitality industry under the Love Food Hate Waste banner.

Its aim was to empower restaurant/cafe owners and their staff to change their behaviour around how they approach food waste.

My role in this project as designer/art director was to inform the visual style for the campaign and roll this out across a range of print and digital collateral.

Business owners were given a folder with collateral to help them measure their food waste.

Business owners were given a folder with collateral to help them measure their food waste.

Awareness posters designed for back of house staff to see.

Awareness posters designed for back of house staff to see.

This guide detailed the points of the campaign and how to use the collateral.

This guide detailed the points of the campaign and how to use the collateral.

These stickers were included for businesses to attach to doggy bags.

These stickers were included for businesses to attach to doggy bags.

Documents were provided in hard copy and online as accessible pdfs with editable fields.

Documents were provided in hard copy and online as accessible pdfs with editable fields.